
Funkenflug aus flammenden Synapsen.

Dear phantom.js,

C++, Ruby, Perl and Python? Surely, you're joking? (And no packages? Webspacken?)

Oh wow.

So while I was out buying new birdseed, I picked up a mug-sized steam inhalator (because my sinuses are still somewhat blocked and there's only so much you can do by putting your face over a mug of peppermint tea).
Besides the usual silly instruction manual ("fill with hot water. insert pad. close apparatus. be careful when closing because it contains hot water. oh look, a two-headed monkey!"), it comes with two sachets of Vick's mint something, and of course you're only supposed to use it with that (because they're 6€ for a pack of 5 and not even food-grade eucalyptus oil is that expensive).
The list of GHS clauses[1] for the menthol pads is quite impressive: h226 Flammable liquid and vapour, h315 Causes skin irritation, h317 May cause an allergic skin reaction, h319 Causes serious eye irritation, h411 Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects(!), p102, p210, p273, p302+338, p305+351+338, p333+313.
So exactly what you want to do is vaporize it and breathe it through a not very sealed apparatus. Still, it's more convenient than retrofitting a bong.
In other news, crazy stupid people by the dozen are skating and walking on Schrevenpark. Guys, one side of the lake isn't even remotely frozen at all, why are you skating on there with your three small children? Are you fucking insane? Yes, you're two blocks from the fire station, so they're here in five minutes, but that's about six minutes too long.
[1] yes, I'm a nerd. take me to the art museum and I'll think "hey, a painting of flowers made by a guy who cut his ear of when drunk." But tell me "the list of GHS phrases was last changed and amended in 2015" and I'll think "I wonder which ones they took out or in".

Because you all care deeply about these things

(the gift that keeps giving?)
I woke up with a "Dreadlock Holiday" earworm this morning. You don't have to thank me, you're welcome.

Also, of course the mail exchange needs to go like this: Me: "I'll send you my public key, can you add that to some user so I can see the error logs" Him: "I've made you root" Me: "BwahahahahAHAHAHA KNEEL BEFORE ME PUNY EARTHLINGS!"

Have you ever noticed that "Tiger Balm" is an anagram of "Lubricant"?

In case I ever need this again: ePass3003

Feitan's ePass3003 ships with an obsolete installation routine – udev rules don't look like that anymore, so the stick will appear to not be there for non-root users.

This is the rule you want:

[0 1033 9:42:27] /etc/udev/rules.d % cat epass_token.rules 
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="096e", MODE=="0666"

Cheese coordinates

The cheese coordinate system has fattitude and pongitude.
(This thought brought to you by the piece of Tilsit that I bought to take home for christmas. This is not the notorious Scharfe Nr. Acht, but still, I decided after half a day, when I next opened the fridge, that it needs at least double-wrapping.)

The things you see with error console on…

Timestamp: 18.12.2015 08:30:42
Warning: This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use
certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.
Source File:

So, yeah, Mozilla, how about that move away from SHA-1?

You can quote me on this

I had to wrangle PowerShell for the first time today, for some noddy problem. (Drag files onto script, script mangles them and creates new file with name that takes an explicit mapping from a csv file.

The result only took about 30 lines, (I could've done it in 15 on a standard Linux userland, I guess, but that's not where it will run), and my preliminary verdict is

PowerShell feels like the bastard lovechild of Python and jQuery with sprinklings of test(1) and Perl.

Seriously, just when you find that foreach($y in $list) works, if $y in $hash doesn't (have to use contains_key) and what do you mean, your logical AND operator is not && but... -and?