
Funkenflug aus flammenden Synapsen.

In which I am not an artist (help!)

… but really, with the influx of new, young and ambitious colleagues, we have a lot of corners we're trying to clean up, and I've joked about stickers labeled "Wegschmeißen, Neu machen!" (Scrap it, Re-do from scratch!) to be put on many of our servers and non-existing documentation of our procedures.
So, well, once you've coined a phrase (pun intended), you might as well go along with it. I've done some research and can tell you, if you ever want to get custom poker chips, double-sided print or not, you really can't get fewer than 300, and they'll be around 200+ EUR at that point. On the other hand, white empty poker chips can be ordered at around 5-7€/50 from the worlds tat factories in the PRC. I also looked at those shopping trolley chips which are conveniently simultaneously the size of a Deutschmark, a Euro coin, and a US quarter, and those are cheaper, even when made in Germany, but have an inconveniently small size for putting on a sticker. Oh, and 40mm circular is a size you can get printable stickers for, because poker chips have a fairly standard size.
So, after this much ado, here's my current thinking for the motif:
Wegschmeißen (Scrap) side: trash icon.

Neu machen (Rebuild from scratch) side: old reverse of German 50 Pfennig coin. (Needs work to be turned into line art.)

I feel there's too much of a clash of styles there, but I have my heart set on the Trümmerfrau imagery. So, in what must be the weirdest question on LJ today: anybody have a mental image of the "trash, throw away, abandon" theme that would be more in style with the other side?